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由parentNode编辑: 6/15/2020 4:33:07 PM

Constant disconnects in Crucible Fireteam (2 players in same LAN)

Hi there, me and my battle buddy are getting constant disconnects when trying to play crucible fireteams. When we team up for PVE there's no problems at all. But if we start a crucible together one of us will get disconnected from the match within the first few minutes. We're both connected to the same LAN behind a router (AVM Fritzbox 7530) with DHCP and UPnP active. I went through Bungie's network troubleshooting guide multiple times without any improvement. I also found posts on the internet where people claimed that even though they were using UPnP, as suggested by Bungie, it seemed to not work at all. One person even suggested to leave UPnP on while forwarding UDP ports 3074 & 3097 for one machine and 3075 & 3098 for the other machine (the latter ports supposedly are alternative ports). But that also didn't improve anything, my machine had the alternative ports fowarded and I got disconnected from the match within the first 60 seconds. Destiny 2 is the first and only game we've ever had such issues with. [b]Side note:[/b] Currently we're also getting lots of BEAVERs and occasionally ANTEATERs outside of crucibles (most of the time in Tower instances), however I don't know whether these are related to the above described issue. We've tried pretty much everything to fix this issue and now we've finally ran out of options. Please help, Bungie! T_T [u][b]EDIT:[/b] Can be closed, I re-created the issue in the networking sub forum.[/u]



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