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6/15/2020 9:29:04 PM

prismatic recaster "wavelength" quest bug

i recently completed last weeks season quests till there was non left till next week, however i then did the quests again with a friend helping him and the game gave me the same quests and when i got to the part where you are supposed to accept an ubral engram from the prismatic recaster under the "wavelenth" title where drifter says "thats a whole healthy heap of honey right there!" where im meant to accept an ubral engram it just says accept and when i attempt to click on it nothing happens, i can press escape to get past it and use the recaster but the quest still remains and wont let me progress and get new quests to complete (basically im stuck in the seasonal quest and cant continue) i have tried going on a different character and complete the quests and accept that quest in particular but it did not resolve the issue. my engram inventory has lots of space, any advice would be great as i cannot progress in the quest with this bug.



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