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由Dragon编辑: 6/17/2020 9:19:08 PM

Can't finish Nascent Dawn 1/5 because Sleeper Node is missing

It just isn't there for any of my three characters, even my new Warlock. I've got the Override Frequency CB.NAV/RUN.()Dynamo.Approach.Arch, but the node's nowhere to be fine. The image I linked just now is where it's supposed to be. I'm just lost here. How am I supposed to complete the quest now? The worst part is that there are a few other threads like this from when Warmind originally released saying the same thing, but none of them have a solution. I've tried everything. Relogged, visited the same spot on all three characters, dismantled the override frequency and created a new one (producing the same). Nothing works.



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