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6/21/2020 12:53:56 AM

Mountaintop is in a problematic state gents

Try not to speak from rage here. This is a civilized discussion. Been playing since good ol' destiny 1 beta. I've seen the old school Last Word and Thorn days with a ttk of .4 and even before that when fusion rifles (yes you heard me) were too overpowered and had to get nerfed. Destiny 2 had its problems that were fixed and even now i think snipers and select hand cannons need a slight tweak to aim assist, even though i typically use a sniper. Hell if I'm already on a soapbox I might as well say supers now last too long and when I try shooting in real life whilst sliding or jumping the safest place would be in front of my target. But within the game, all of those have a reasonable(ish) counter or method to deal with them. But i fail to see the counter to mountaintop. "See" isn't the correct word. I've played against it. Read guides on how to beat it. Performed ritualistic squatting techniques over fallen enemies that use it. With all of my expertise and burning quads, I still. can't. beat it. I try sniping, jumping, rushing, and even hunters infamous swag-dodge to beat them. with all of my efforts I still remain unsuccessful. I find the occasional god-tier sniper or warlock-mid-air-dashy-boi-spare-rations extraordinaire so sweaty that I don't know how they aren't drowning in their own sweatiness, and have made peace with myself knowing there are people out there better than I am. It's the people that AREN'T better, or more accurately, who fall within the +/- range of "should beat most of the time" to "should beat sometimes", that the problem lies. Destiny, along with most competitive games, have the issue of balancing weapons for all skill levels. This weapon in particular, when put in the hands of non-sweaties, gives them a severe advantage over +/- range opponents. Direct fire grenades. special ammo. explosive rounds. fast projectile speed with no falloff. high or 1 shot damage. Yea yea yea we all know it's a good weapon. But its strongest perk: More viable when jumping (possibly the only weapon). All other weapons save other launchers (which low-key [i]kinda[/i] worthless in PvP) are designed to be harder to use whilst in midair. In my several climbs to legend in competitive it's always the people that can land shots while jumping or strafing that are the most dangerous. To sum up quite the last several paragraphs now that I've calmed down (If you can't tell this weapon just took a phat dump on me in PvP several matches in a row): You are giving a lower-skill weapon to players that rewards them (explosive damage) for mediocrity, allows them to have the advantage of any other weapon in the game (enemy be airborne to live), and has the range and instafire/projectile speed to do so from a safe distance with low risk involved. Now we are often rebutted (apparently that's the past tense of rebuttal, [i]who knew?[/i]) with a barrage of reasons why the weapon is fine (no doubt you can find several other posts that the debaters were less civilized than I am), and the conversations often lead down a rabbit hole deeper than what Alice fell into, so I urge you to try to keep an open mind. The weapon is cool in concept, as it can be used to break the sniper-alley metas of two people dancing in third person to see when someone will poke their head out. Having rock-paper-scissors weapons and tactics is the heart of Destiny PvP, but I can't find the right paper for this blade-embedded rock. I'm hoping to see several weapons nerfed here and there rather than better weapons made to counter them, and this one leads the pack. Food for thought. As always I have high hopes and appreciation for your ongoing efforts. and Bungie. We have bows for heavies. Snipers in primary slots. GRENADE LAUNCHERS for secondaries! There is no excuse. [b]No Land Beyond[/b]. つ(ミ◔ᆺ◔ミ)つ geb.



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  • 由Swiftlock编辑: 6/21/2020 1:31:01 AM
    [quote]I try sniping, jumping, rushing, and even hunters infamous swag-dodge to beat them[/quote] You did everything [i]except[/i] the strategy to foil advancing Mountaintop attackers: Weave in and out of cover and bait them into whiffing their shot. Yes, you can do it. I agree that a top tree Dawnblade floating through the air with Icarus Grip MT can be annoying, but the responsibility lies on your team to cooperate and take down a slow-moving airborne target. Also: - Regular single-shot GL's are not worthless in PvP. They're just underrated. They can harass opponents behind cover once you master the remote detonation. - Nerfs won't make the game more fun or interesting at this point. Let's be real. - NLB should stay in the past. It was a problem in D1 PvP and you can [b]guarantee[/b] it'll be an issue in D2, especially with anti-flinch and sniper dexterity mods.



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  • Imagine if mountaintop had tracking. Oh wait, it’s called Jötunn. Also, no land beyond is never coming back, for the same reason ice breaker isn’t.



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  • Literally just be at least 1 foot in the air and you’re good



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