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由Slayer of Worms编辑: 7/16/2020 4:02:44 PM


[i]Supplementary Oxygen Enabled.[/i] Jack's visor flickers to life. He can see large boulders falling into the water around him, but more disturbing is the fact that his legs can't move. His head begins to clear gradually and the pressure on his legs draws his attention. Jack shoves the rock off of himself. [i]Supplementary Oxygen at 25%[/i] He fires up his jetpack and zips up to the surface. He can see a gentle coast to his left, but dark shapes move in front of it. He sighs and waits. The dark shapes glide through the area, gradually growing closer. His heart beats faster as they approach, but he prepares himself for combat. [i]Boltcaster Offline.[/i] "What? Don't quit on me now..." [i] Scatter Blaster Offline. Pulse Spitter Offline. Geology Canon Offline. Plasma Launcher Offline. Analysis Visor Offline.[/i] "Please don't be predatory..." He swivels towards the group of creatures and activates his jetpack . [i]Predatory Behavior Not Detected. Remain Calm.[/i] The creatures gain speed as he approaches. Several pass right over him and then circle around behind. He colides head-first with the shore in his haste. He.stands up and takes off his helmet, but the fresh air feels good on his face. His sweat drops off of his helmet, mixing in with the mud-like sand. [i]Priority Assessment System Online.. Priority 1: restore Analysis Visor.[/i] He activates his mining beam and begins to ruin the landscape. You find him there, presumably using advanced laser technology to "redesign" the beach and nearby plants and rocks.



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