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7/15/2020 10:31:04 PM

Looking for an XB1 clan to join

Mainly looking for chill PVE group that doesn't mind teaching a player on raids. I'm not too bad at PVP if you need help with that. I main a warlock 24/7
#Clans #xb1



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  • Clan Name: The Benevolent Light (TBL) Requirement(s): 1. Join Discord About The Benevolent Light TBL is an Xbox clan TBL Was formed 1/09/2017 so we have a lot of clan experience; our main communication method is through Discord we are a very laid back community. We allow anyone to join the clan. We aren’t picky with who joins the clan as long as you are sociable, non toxic and willing to help otherswe just appreciate anyone giving us a chance. You can be new player to the game or you can be veteran/Experienced player you will be treated the same as everyone. TBL is a place for everyone a place where you can escape to and have fun. We have daily/weekly events that anyone can plan and join. If you want to voice an opinion you will always be heard and we will try our best to improve. We will always be here for you whether it be you need help in life or in destiny 2. TBL was made so other passionate Destiny players could play any content together done anytime they want while making friends at the same time We hope you consider us and we will see you in D2 even if you decide you don’t want to be a part of the clan. Have any questions? Send a DM to me (Jake XCIV) & ZenithTomahawk and we will reply as soon as possible How to Join The Benevolent Light: Request to join the clan here: Discord Link:



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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