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8/23/2020 8:23:12 PM

[XB1] [LFG] [CLAN] [18+] THE TOWER™️ [RnG]

Calling all Guardians - that are 18+! You’ve been called to arms and fought the darkness on many fronts, but now it’s time to return home, to The Tower™️! The Tower™️ is an XBOX only LFG and/or CLAN. We aim to bring all guardians together no matter their clan affiliation. You can join the growing discord for LFG only, or join both the discord and clan. The choice is yours. In order to become a clan member, simply join discord, register, and then request an invite. All are welcome and we’d be happy to have you. You MUST be 18 or OVER to join. Other than that, there are no commitments, no requirements, no conditions. We enjoy all aspects of Destiny 2 but focus more on endgame PvE - especially RAIDS! We are happy to teach too, so take the first step and raid with us! We are based in the UK but open to all. New to Destiny? A seasoned veteran? Either way, there’s a place for you here. Join us! [u]Please Do Not Reply[/u]
#Clans #lfg #xb1



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