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9/27/2020 9:12:02 PM

Golden Trace Shader Missing

Hey guys, Back in Year 1 I always used to buy the Golden Trace shader from Eververse when it was in stock. However, once I migrated my account to Steam I didn't get that shader. I figured it was a lost cause. Recently, I discovered that I had an item on warlock with Golden Trace on it, and I figured I could get it back by dismantling that item (and subsequently dismantled my only proof of having that shader, whoo!!!). Is there any way to get Golden Trace back?



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  • Hi there. Shaders have to have been in your inventory or vault at the time Collections was implemented in order for them to be tracked and added. Being applied to an item doesn't count — just like how you must first dismantle a new item to get its shader before it gets added. Unfortunately, as you found out, year one shaders don't drop when you dismantle the item. However, as this is an Eververse shader, it has the potential to drop from Bright Engrams or be sold directly in the Eververse Store for Bright Dust.



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