Just wanted to get a quick clarification on the description that some Exotic Catalysts have. For instance this one says it is "[b]Found in strikes and the Crucible[/b]". Does this mean just the completion reward or can kills in those two activities also drop a catalyst. I looked around for a while online and just couldn't find any specific answer for this, just that they are found in those. For instance I am farming for the Sunshot Catalyst and have been running Lake Of Shadows for a long time now. I've been rushing through doing the bare-minimum to get to the boss and finish the strike the in the fastest amount of time to farm it faster.
Is this still the best strategy for me? Do kills within the strikes have equal or at least [i]any[/i] chance at dropping said Catalyst? If so, could I just farm kills within a strike/nightfall outside of the main path and have just as good a chance that way? Does the Ordeal Nightfall reward Catalysts at a much higher rate due to their increased drop chance or is that solely for Exotic Weapons/Armor and has nothing to do with the Catalysts? Thanks in advance!