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11/11/2020 10:24:30 AM

No Time to Explain Xbox Game Pass Bug?

To get right to the point, I have Xbox Game Pass which I used to play the campaign for Beyond Light. Somewhere in the beginning of the campaign, I pay 10 dollars for the Season Pass after I read that you need the Season Pass and Beyond Light to get No Time to Explain. I finished the campaign, got the stasis subclass, got that quest called "Reclaiming Europa," went to the Stranger expecting the gun but nothing. More odd than this, in the collections I can't view any of the new exotics. I don't know if this is a bug or something else but is anyone else experiencing this issue, specifically those who played Beyond Light with Game Pass? Is their a solution to this? If their isn't then please Bungie fix this issue because Game Pass owners may be missing out on a lot of content.



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