Zavala just gave me a Night Watch that I can't delete
Token slamming at Zavala for the ghost mods and I got a Night Watch that wont delete when I attempt to delete it. Finding this out lead me to discover that I can't dismantle any of my old Night Watch scouts. None of them have the option to lock or dismantle.
If this is known I am sorry. Haven't searched through the forums for this yet.
I’ve had this issue. My only option at the time was to use it for an infusion. It fixed itself today and allowed me to dismantle my old one I had. I’m thinking it’s tied into a specific quest line or quest. I think I got mine from an engram that locked it all up. Someone else got it from the new guy in cosmodrome. It’s sporadic but always with this weapon right after it’s received that it locks all other of the same one.