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由Exuperancio编辑: 12/19/2020 12:28:57 AM

[Fixed / Figured Out] Augment Triumphs Issue

[Turns out that the triumphs each track the consoles individually. If you mix console sectors together, just wait for the area to be back in rotation and mix the remaining ones you need to still get the triumphs.] OUTDATED {While attempting to do the Augment: Nexus trial this week I didn't fully know what I was doing and ended up going into the Well of Infinitude and doing the terminals in there. Obviously those were not the right terminals this week, but I am now unable to retry due to the buff being consumed my first go around. By the looks of it, I now have to wait a whole week to do the next one, and then wait for Nexus to come back into rotation. I don't like how a simple mistake locks me out of progressing these triumphs for a whole week. Would it be possible to allow the consumable to work multiple times in that week in case a player need to retry the terminals?} OUTDATED



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