由Zizin编辑: 12/8/2020 7:11:17 AMGuardian: I'm taking you back to the tower. That's your home now. Crow: Ok... *Guardian and Crow fireteam begins countdown to loading...* *Moments later* Lord Shaxx: IT'S MAYHEM!!! Crow: The what?
由DragonKnight901编辑: 12/9/2020 8:51:42 PMJust read the first lore piece from “the tangled web” i was like awww then something happened ..... [spoiler]lets just say a titan... it escalated quickly.[/spoiler]
It’s tough. We KNOW what he did. He however DOESN’T. He was being controlled and corrupted. I’m a hunter and Love Cayde. We’re supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt now that he is on a clean slate..but nobody in their right mind could look at him without disgust knowing what he did. I want to see how the character further develops in the story. His reaction when he finds out the truth will be what I want to see. He WILL eventually find out. His reaction and actions after that are what’s going to set the tone for the guy. He could completely come back and win us over with a change of heart who knows. Just my humble opinion and thoughts on the crow.
Crow: ... Me: "...How's your sister?" Also Crow: ??? Me: "Hahahaha! you wouldn't get it..."
由MC 077 Lasombra编辑: 12/8/2020 4:44:00 AMEveryone thinks he only ever killed Cayde and that act should be forgiven due to the corruption and trickery. His background in D1 claimed that he had tricked several Guardians with false information, sending them to their deaths. Simply because he didn’t like Guardians. Uldren earned that bullet before we ever met him. Crow seems cool, curious to see what happens after he goes to the City and the reactions that brings.
I about died when he said:[quote]He half jokes, "I wouldnt want to be on your bad side."[/quote]
Somethings wrong with me. I hate him, but I really wanna like him now. I just feel like some type of way he’ll flip on us again. Like he’ll get his memory back somehow. Idk.
Kinda weird how our guardian treats him Him having no memory isn’t entirely a excuse to forgive him He was being controlled when he killed cayde and after our guardian kills the siren of riven he is no longer controlled and we still get revenge My point is its weird that our guardian treats him so nicely after clearly killing him with no consideration that he was forced (controlled) to kill cayde
Well, if you ask me that smug prick tried to have us killed off in day 1 destiny 1 when he sent us against that gate lord, and that was long before he was "controlled". He needed a bullet in the face looong before the cayde thing.
由FPellegrinijr编辑: 12/7/2020 6:28:06 PM