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由Cacoastrum编辑: 12/7/2020 7:53:33 AM

Please extend the Titan Barricade into the ground a bit, so that it isn’t defeated by splash damage on even minor inclines.

Barricade is not helpful on sloped or uneven surfaces. Splash damage can fit through that gap in the bottom, and then I’m waiting for a revive and wishing I could just have a Rift like the cool kids. I didn’t see anything in the Code of Conduct about reposts, so I’m gonna keep mentioning this every so often until I’m acknowledged. My main class needs some love, man. ...Although for what it’s worth, Icefall Mantle is actually a lot more useful in PvE than I initially took it for. The Lift-suppression is almost a dealbreaker, ‘cause a lot of locations can’t really be navigated without double-jumps of some kind (hint: don’t cast the overshield while you’re trying to gank the wanted enemy in Exodus Crash, ‘cause your fireteam will leave you behind, and you’ll wish you could just cast a Rift like the cool kids), but overall it’s valuable. I gotta grind out a better roll on that bad boy. Still. The usefulness of my class ability should not depend so heavily on a single exotic with some pretty hefty drawbacks. If this actually IS against the rules, I only ask that you warn before you ban. My intentions are pure.



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