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由RevScene编辑: 12/11/2020 3:35:18 PM

If you developers are having difficulty, swamped or incompetent

If you developers are having difficulty and swamped due to COVID-19 (work from home policy) OR totally incompetent to follow up with the latest techs and latest game styles, you have to think about to improve another area which is "CUSTOMER SUPPORT" I finally realized what is the biggest problem in this game. Sure, this game is still in BAD state even after what how many years..5?6? Since BUNGIE support seems really lazy to read anything really long, I will dive into the point right away. I never seen a SINGLE WORD to "[b]COMPENSATE[/b]" to any of issues that all of us were suffered from their bug. Is it really painful to you (Bungie) to give people some good COMPENSATE after your bug? At least any sort of reward system is broken due to your bug? I am thankful that you are working on a bug and put up for fix. Sure. Thanks. But where are our [b]COMPENSATE [/b]from your bug incident? For instance, I see you recently resolved the issue: [quote]We are investigating an issue where some PS5 and Xbox Series X|S users purchasing the Destiny 2: Beyond Light + Season or Digital Deluxe Edition for the first time may not have access to their season pass.[/quote] But don't see any quote on how you are compensating people who were impacted by this. [quote]We have fixed an issue for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players where their Season Passes weren't unlocking after purchasing Beyond Light. Impacted players can now access their Season Pass. Players still having issues should report to the Help Forum:[/quote] DID YOU ACTUALLY COMPENSATE THEM in anyway? Another example is I didn't receive any Pinnacle Reward from your ritual play list because of your bug and you solved in next week. Was there any sort of SORRY PACKAGE from you? NO. Why is it so hard to give every player at least +1 powerful gear from your light power to post officer when BUG was found in your reward system? @LUKE, you want to make your game at least at the same level of World of Warcraft? Please see how they are compensating and appreciating their players. With this implemented, I think people will start appreciating your team and understands if any bug is introduced. Thanks.



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