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12/21/2020 10:46:15 AM

Ping problem since a month (In PVP and a litlle bit in PVE) [PC]

First of all, sorry for the mistakes. I have NO PROBLEM on other games. I had no problem at the begining of Beyond Light. So I've tried to open my ports (box firewall and Windows firewall) with Bungie's port forwarding and this video and my NAT is now open. I thought my problem was gone but my ping increases throughout the match in PVP. I start with 70 (wich is normal on Destiny because i have ADSL), when I die it increase to 500 ping, when I respawn it drop to 90, and for no reason my Ping increase to 1000 or more and I'm disconnected. Then I tried , but nothing changed so I turned everything back to normal. My PC is directly plugged to my internet box.



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