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12/28/2020 11:32:06 PM

Bungie needs to communicate more often

Every time I make genuine constructive criticism in the forums or anyone brings up an issue on YouTube I feel like we’re talking to a brick wall. 9 times out of 10 we get no response about genuine issues that are plaguing the game which are brought up constantly. Core playlist lootpools, crucible maps and gamemodes, stasis, vendors, strike playlist’s repetitive strikes, light subclass balancing, sunset weapon reissuing, lack of things to do in the cosmodrome, gambit and its plethora of problems. There is more small problems but you understand the point. It’s the fact that I rarely see the “bungie reply” on posts anymore, while I know a few posts are not necessarily constructive, some are and really do establish some real problems in this game that aren’t being addressed. This also goes for YouTubers who are ignored big or small. I understand if bungie says one or two things on Reddit but not everyone uses the platform. There needs to be a lot more communication in the future because the game is in a very stale spot right now with no real reason to play beyond the weekly reset.



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  • Personally, I don't want to hear their lies.



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  • They won an award last year for doing basically nothing, so there's little chance they actually try.



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    • 由MoNki编辑: 12/29/2020 3:10:03 PM
      They don't have to. It's a well know technique not to engage in any form of communication because most problems solve themselves with the next news-cycle. 1. Creat hype with state of the art trailer. 2. Establish the image of a few "Geeks" working in a personal (not corporate) environment to generate sympathy. 3. Enforce the idea that most "new" ideas are based on community feedback. 4. Laying out a "mysterious" roadmap to give people a reason to invest. 5. Fix any issue that keeps players from investing time in the game. 6. Hibernate while Evangelists-Players do the work for the community manager/s. 7. Reset the cycle.



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      • They Will communicate just before they want us to pay for something. You watch.



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      • 由Yosemite Sam编辑: 12/29/2020 1:55:37 PM
        [quote]Every time I make genuine constructive criticism in the forums or anyone brings up an issue on YouTube I feel like we’re talking to a brick wall.[/quote] That's because you are talking to a brick wall. There is literally no sense of even wanting more when there really isn't any form of communication in the first place. If you look at most things that have been requested like how the base game didn't have random rolls, the 2 primary system, etc...? which by the way was the dumbest thing any company could have done that I still wonder who's bright idea that was to change the game🤦‍♂️ I'm still lost on that BS they pulled but as usual, they made a promise to fix that and it turned out to be like most things they have changed half-assed for their benefit, not ours. There is no real form of communication with this company, only the false sense of hope that they are listening to the feedback when they have the community manager say: "I'll bring this to the team" and their TWAB"S making all these false promises as they have for 4 years now.



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      • I personally can’t stand how they use Reddit and Twitter for updates or responses. A lot of adults do not have a Twitter or Reddit so therefore get information through other people. Then we have to search for that article. Seems unnecessary when there is an entire site dedicated to Bungie



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        • They too busy making Matter😏



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        • I know people like to shit on Warframe but that studio handles community relations soooo much better than these dudes.



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          12 回复
          • What level of communication would you hope to see?



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          • 由Crota bin Oryx编辑: 12/30/2020 12:45:35 AM
            Bungie treats us as a passenger on their joy ride rather than a customer. My analogy over here would be ad follows: Destiny: Cab/taxi Bungie: Driver Player: Customer Base game: Free online registration to access the taxi/cab. Car is limited to 5MPH speed. DLC: Membership tier for less relevant places like grocery stores. Car speed increases to half the allowed road speed limit. Season Pass: Membership tier for going longer distances and more relevant places like restaurants and job. Car can drive up to the legal speed limit. Eververse: Unlimited journeys to anywhere you want. Chose your car and speed limit is expected by law, aka over speeding is legal in this tier. Customer pays the fare for a limited journey and as long as the journey remains relevant to the customer the driver does not need to do anything apart from charging the customer. The only explanation from driver will be: 1. We are downsizing the car from a luxurious executuve MPV, which you paid for in full in past years of membership, to a hatchback because its too big to drive. (Content vault) 2. The old membership card you had is of wrong color so you need to renew it every 12 months. It will be same thing but new color and retain your membrship (gear sunset). 3. We are changing the colour of the leather seats every months so you think it's a new car but it's the same old seat where you farted last week (season weapons recycle) 4. You don't use extra seats so we are thinking of removing them (super sunset) 5. Air conditioning is a optional billable extra if you want to reach your destination in style on hot summer day (Eververse) 6. You must make several journeys every day in order to retain membership (daily grind) Every relevant communication is there so not sure what you are complaining about. 🙃 [spoiler] I originally wrote: Bungie doesn't treat the playerbase as stake holders; they just look at players as paying customers. Why I think we should be a stake holder... because we agree to a one sided EULA which I reckon is more similar to a rental agreement than a purchase agreement. We don't own anything in this game when we buy the product. We literally have a limited use license which is twisted in a way that we are at a disadvantage by design. The gaming industry is not regulated by FCA or anything equivalent (in US or UK) and only exception is Belgium AFAIK. In UK , for example, all statutory rights are nulled when a digital game or season pass is purchased for all games. This is good for business but bad for customer. As an entertainment tool, I don't have a problem with this but I think Bungie is highly exploitative when usingnlae to siphon money from customers. Hence the analogy, now simplified for all. [/spoiler]



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            16 回复
            • 7
              Everytime Luke Smith opens his mouth he just talks about more and more of the game he wants to sunset. I rather not hear from that guy ever again tbh



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              • they communicate when its in there benefit. but if not something they want or agree on they just put there hands over there ears and forget they heard it.



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              • 由PlaythingX编辑: 12/30/2020 7:19:03 AM
                When Bungie says "the Community" they mean YouTubers and streamers. The rest of us are just cash cows.



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              • 由fakkelbrigade编辑: 12/31/2020 1:45:01 PM
                We have been pretty much talking to a brick wall for the last 6 years! I am already happy with the somewhat changed course and that they first go for quality and hopefull afterwards some quantity. But you are right, 99% of the requested things have been requested since forever and they don't want to listen. In 2014 this was a top 3/5 game on consoles, goodluck with that now....



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              • 由Juuha编辑: 12/29/2020 3:07:56 PM
                The higher ups at bungie Do not care. The have laid out what d2 will be for the next 2 years. 2 expansions and most likely the same rinse and repeat seasonal BS events. I don't like it but I like the game and have taken d2 for what is. A time wasting shooter.



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              • 由MannixRockford编辑: 12/29/2020 7:40:48 AM
                Bungie's (post Activision) business model runs as follows: Do as little as possible, wait for players to complain enough to hurt Bungie's short term financial forecasts, then promise to do better "next time" in a lengthy, apologetic TWAB. Rinse and repeat. They can't communicate to the community beyond that, with this being their (now obvious) modus operandi, or they'll be called out for this insulting nonsense every single day. Bungie bosses know what they're doing is predatory and dodgy AF. And they'll carry on doing it this way for as long as the fanbois throw their parent's money at Tess & come into these forums to defend them like little cult members. They're not chasing creativity any more, they're chasing revenue streams. Player feedback is anathema to the way they are running this company now. #JustSaying.



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                2 回复
                • I've read through the replies, IDK man but when you look at it like I do, maybe it will help you with this problem with Bungie. Bungie is the pimp Destiny is the -blam!- Players are the trick Why would a pimp treat the -blam!- or trick very well at all....Ive played this game from the beginning but I understand they dont give 2 shits what I think...unless its something against 1 of their sjw causes..but I'm ok with that. I pay for some enjoyment and when that isnt there?? well its time to go somewhere else. But you do you.



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                  1 回复
                  • 由AubsTheBelieber编辑: 12/29/2020 7:28:48 AM
                    If you look at the two and only two Bungie Employees all of us have to communicate with, DMG04 and Cozmo. Mentors and Ninjas reply often but nothing we say to them makes it to Bungie cause they are just form volunteers not employees. So now look at Cozmo, look at DMG04, and now take out each This Week At Bungie post they make, take away their posts that are just them creating info posts. Simply take away them liking things that are nothing to do with feedback... You are left with the reality now that Cozmo barely hits 4 replies to players feedback posts, and DMG04 is worse usually around 2 times in a month he talks to a player. Heck, there's many months both of them don't even reply to any players on If the people that are considered Community Managers can't at least reply to 5 posts by us each month, there is no communication. Bungie has no phone number to call. No email to message for help. No live chat. The only communication with Bungie is this forum, and Bungie reads/replies to less than a handful of the thousands upon thousands of posts in a month. Before you try to defend this, please at least take a second to check your own Bungie Activity feed and see if you are more active on these forums then the darn Community Managers and if you aren't, which it's more than likely you are more active then them, then it at least is guaranteed that the majority of the people commenting on this post are more active each month and reply to more people than Cozmo and DMG04 even do.



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                    • 由KayOsS882编辑: 12/30/2020 12:54:46 AM
                      They too busy swimming in their pool of cash and burning $100 bills to keep warm in the winter.



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                    • Na. They would just be apologizing all the time.



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                    • Bungie is communicating. They are doing quite a number of interviews. But the reality is that this virtual daycare center is not the place where you will be able to have any sort of meaningful exchange of ideas. Too many raging kids, entitled Karen’s, and dedicated trolls for that. The moment anyone from Bungie shows up here they become an immediate target for ugliest sort of abuse.



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                      12 回复
                      • They have tried but instead of the actual feedback or criticism, the forums get toxic instead. People start calling out for luke smith for example to get fired, some say some really harsh things about bungie employees and some cant handle a mature conversation so why should they bother? Im sure they read the forums but probably decided its best to stay quiet and do whatever they want in the end. You guys are going to purchase their product no matter how much you hate it anyway



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                        2 回复
                        • 由Necrogen编辑: 12/29/2020 11:43:28 AM
                          They actually communicated a lot. The issue is that players either spam useless questions, come up with sh1tposts, make emotionally charged topics with no argumentation, and believe that bungie is going to respond to every post made here. A big thing I see here on the forums is that [i][b][u]players don't read what they write.[/u][/b][/i] biiiiig issue. Some people still complain about content out of the game and do not know it's coming back. I've seen more active communication on twitter with dmg and cozmo. Try there.



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                          • They are employees and most probably pretty high up on the ladder, being employees they’ll do as little as possible with the least amount of effort..



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                          • 1
                            Its Bunghole They don't care about the players and game, only your dollars



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                          • Why are things like the raid sword even a reward in the raid? Weapons like that actually suck, and when dropped as a reward after you’ve beaten the easy ass raid for the nth time you get the sword, again. There are some complete shit rewards in the top tier activities



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