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由Saskax编辑: 1/8/2021 9:31:26 PM

Trials is FUN!!!! (its a lie)

Stasis is balanced, no nerfs needed in pvp.


Its ok if cheaters use hacks to improve in pvp.


Bungie Anti-cheat is a joke.


PVP is the most rewarding activity, specially ToO.


PVP is free-to-play, fixing it doesn't bring money


ToO really respects the player time investment.


I was at 3 wins today. And my team faced 3 different cheaters back-to-back. We won the first game against the first cheater, he had AIMBOT 200% certain. But stasis abilities got us the win because stasis is broken btw. Then we lost the second game because second cheater had better gaming chair and at least wall hacks with aimbot. Pretty sure he was getting his abilities instantly. We lost our mercy at game. And we got our self a third cheater right after. That one was not even hiding it. New account, 4.4KD for the week, 97% accuracy. We popped 3 supers at the same time when 1-4 for them and he got 3 headshots back-to-back mind air. And before that he was killing trough the walls. First time coming back in Trials after 4 months. I regret my decision. BUNGIE: FIX YOUR GAME. Your pvp community is getting sicking tired. Thats all.



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