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1/9/2021 3:44:56 PM

Discord for active & social adults. (PSN) (21+) A few clan spots available.

Guests are welcome in the Discord. If you are interested in the clan tag, just let us know. [b][u]About Us:[/u][/b] -Mid-size clan that has been around for 6 years. -Our member count normally hovers in the range of 60-80. -Enough people to get multiple raids and crucible teams going each day while everyone still knows each other. -Hybrid of both American and European timezones. -Everyone has families and a job so obviously not playing 24/7 but we do get into all endgame content such as Flawless raids, Speedruns, Low-Man raids, GM NF's, and all aspects of crucible. -It is a very social group. We are always discussing builds in the Discord and always have PSN chats up for whoever is online. [b][u]About You:[/u][/b] -Owns the BL expansion. -Enjoys crucible, raiding, or some other form of end game content. -Averages over 10 hours per week. -Social and Interactive. (for those that want the clan tag)



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