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1/20/2021 6:33:12 PM

Whats up with 90 day cross save wait time?

I recently moved to a new pc and wanted to play destiny, so I thought I'd bring up my 300+ hour characters from the PS4, but to my surprise, I have to wait 90 days to actually be able to play as these characters. Who thought this was a good idea? By the time it takes to get these characters back I will have already got invested in my current steam character or just lost interest. I really do want to get back into the game and pick up on these characters. Is there any way to lessen the cross save cooldown?



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  • Hello. Unfortunately, once you deactivate Cross Save, you are not able to re-enable it until after the cooldown expires. There are no exceptions to this policy. [quote]If players disabled their Cross Save for any reason they will have to wait out the 90-day lockout before they can enable Cross Save again. There are no exceptions to this policy.[/quote] Please review this [b][url=]Cross Save help article[/url][/b] for more information.



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