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2/1/2021 10:54:26 AM

Ahamkara Bone Locations / "Marasenna" Lore Triumphs

Hey, I have a serious question. I try to make Cursebringer title. I almost ready about that but my destiny 2 app is said all needed lore (Ahamkara Bone) done. [b]BUT[/b] in destiny 2 is not accopmlished that lores what i saw in app and need for title... I tried many weeks to search Bone locations (for exmple youtube or friends). And i didn't see the bone where its need to be. Without this, i can't able to do the title. Whan can i did wrong in this case? Please help about that. I have anoter seal, but i really wanted that :-) Any devs opinion would be nice too. Thanks a lot, Petyka



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