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3/11/2021 5:28:10 AM

Exo challenge IMPOSSIBLE

Ok so I'm running the exo challenge to get another stasis ability its part of the aspect of influence quest. Which requires you to run it in heroic ok ya heroic is hard to do by yourself but not impossible. That being said why would you give a mintour champion such a high regen in health so much to the point you can't kill him or barley stun him maybe its a glitch biggie look into this because this mission is impossible to complete even with 3 a person team with sword mods and still can't damage him fast enough do kill him and the second we stop ping hea back to full health and we are out of ammo. This is bullshit not a fun quest... Fix it!!!!! Yours truly disgruntled and loyal fan/gamer
#Help #the #what #hell



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  • Your only character that shiws any history of attempting the mission is your titan, with two runs, and they were both solo attempts. Your titan is still under-powered for the heroic mission. That's not to say that it can't be done, but you will have a much harder time, and I wouldn't recommend using swords, as having to get close enough to use it will probably result in you getting killed first. Instead, try using a bow, with overload mods, and stun it from a distance, then shoot it with rockets while its stunned.



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    3 回复
    • stun the champions?



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