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3/19/2021 7:32:56 PM

trials of osiris

you cant call it a competitive mode if teams who go flawless every week get to matchmake against people who suck. thats just giving the flawless team free wins. How is matchmaking 2 teams of completely different skill levels any different than win trading? You cant put amazing gear at the end of activity that only people who are god tier pvp can get. I finish GM's and i get an adept machine gun that is still basically useless while flawless get insane pvp weapons that they can use in normal crucible. It's like bungie is backed by all the pay for trial carries site because win trading takes away there customers. I never tried win trading but I dont see anything wrong with it. The sweatys can PvP each other and the average player can still get end game loot, why is it a bad thing?



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