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3/25/2021 7:47:06 PM

Official Position Desperately sought:

If you INCREASE a race car's speed, it goes [i]faster[/i]; REDUCE it, the car goes [i]slower.[/i], however On Destiny weapons, however, it seems you are saying that if you INCREASE the reload speed, it takes LONGER to reload; i.e., the reload process is [i]slower[/i], not [i]faster[/i]. This impression seems to be born out by the 'pacer bar' for reload speed getting LONGER as reload speeds go UP. Perhaps using the terms "improve" and "diminish" might make more sense in your universe. So, if you IMPROVE the reload speed, the bar goes down and the weapon loads more quickly. If you DIMINISH the reload speed, the bar goes up and the weapon loads more slowly. Or am I totally missing something here?



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