Is it supposed to be like that? I see many players teleporting around, what the hell is going on?
Is this ever going to be fixed?
Laggy chaos reach has no chill
I think this is a world record for the kill delay to show in the feed
These clips are all from yesterday.
My connection is perfect, fiber on ethernet, low ping no bufferbloat, ports opened >
Edit adding more BS clips i had in my streamable account:
Crucible is becoming unplayable because of lag. Shoot at person, bullets do nothing, I'm dead because they are standing over there now and shot me from a different direction. 6x6 modes are the worst for lag and it has drained the fun out of the game.
It was bad before, but it was never this bad, from my experience.. I'm losing friends to play with because they are frustrated by the laggy experience
由Sneaky The 1st编辑: 4/18/2021 4:17:19 PMI think they don’t have any shame on themselves, providing these type of content. The have to shutdown the pvp till these are fixed. Or provide ability to teleport infinitely without using any exotic.
We have two theories as to what is causing this. (I will probably butcher the technical details, but hopefully I can convey the general causes) 1. Cross gen creates a poorer experience for those on older consoles. Teams playing all on older consoles don't get matched against the Series X or PS5 and report better performance. Add in one newer console into the fireteam and you will get matched against newer consoles and people report instant negative impacts. This would have begun mid December as the Destiny update for those consoles didn't launch with Beyond Light. 2. I believe it was in one of Joe Blackburn's communications that he mentioned the change from two data streams for PvP activities that they reduced to one data stream. We believe that combining all that data into one channel is the primary reason for the seemingly rampant connection issues. IB gets worse (likely due to the additional reporting that is required due to additional medals/bounties/triumphs being tracked), and I've noticed less occurrences in 3v3 endeavors. Reducing QP to 4v4 again would likely solve most of these issues or restoring the second data stream.
Strangely I’ve been lagging in PvE much more than PvP recently. Lagged out of a master nightfall at the final boss and a prophecy dungeon at the second encounter within the past 2 days.
People with a flawless or gilded flawless title seem to lag more. Maybe this title has side effects.
Yea, just played against a team, who would not take damage. One minute they were in your line of sight, the next they were behind you, with you dead.. The most annoying part was this hot dog bun of a Warlock that just kept using Felwinters and laging worser than Neo did in the Matrix. Idk why, but Warlocks just feel tankier than Titans now a days...
This has been an issue since implentation of SDR. I'm on the east coast and can only visualize 2 SDR servers that I'm trying to connect through. There is also only 3 visible on the west coast. The lag and latency has been horrendous, and I'm on console. Since the release of the SDR, connections have been terrible.
The speed of your computer plays a part in it to. I have very fast business internet (self employed), and my comp is less than 6 months old. Almost no lah
Welcome to peer to peer connection. No dedicated/regional servers equals no centralized hub for the game to run on.
Funny thing is, my pvp kd started to tank around the time beyond light launched. That coincided with the time I got a ps5. I can't put my finger on what's going on. If I look at my seasonal kd on destinytracker, I was consistently around 1.2-1.3, it's gone down now to the point its at about 0.7 for this season. I genuinely don't understand why.
Destiny lag in pvp is really bad and sometimes the game is just unplayable. Therefore i go play other games. Bungies never gonna fix this. Just adapt that destiny has crap connections and cant ever been taken serious pvp game.