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5/9/2021 8:23:16 PM

Crucible Kill Trackers for Old Exotics

I made this a post recently but I think I need to make it again, Guardians like to show their achievements and how many kills they get on a certain weapon. That's why we see people with 10000 kills on Felwinters or 23000 on Not Forgotten. Add Crucible Kill Trackers to Old Exotics and you will see those in the Crucible more often. Sweet Business, Riskrunner, Sunshot, Graviton Lance, Sturm, MIDA Multitool, Crimson, SUROS Regime, Coldheart, Prometheus, Fighting Lion, Borealis, Polaris Lance, Telesto, Huckleberry, Jade Rabbit, Rat King, Vigilance Wing, Merciless, Skyburner's Oath, The Prospector, Tractor Cannon, Legend of Acrius, D.A.R.C.I., The Wardcliff Coil, The Colony, Worldline Zero, Sleeper Stimulant, and Whisper of the Worm, all don't have crucible trackers. There are possibly more than those weapons out there too. These are all weapons that could be used in the crucible, especially guns like Sunshot, Sweet Business, and Trace Rifles like Coldheart could see a sharp uprising if they are given a reason to use. Just a bit of food for thought, feel free to rock it Bungie.



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