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5/12/2021 4:57:48 PM

Bug: Buying additional bounties at banshee-44 does subtract the glimmer but does not result in additional bounties.

Timeline: I bought the daily bounties of the gunsmith, after which I did the seasonal intro quests (the quest line that ends in the HELM). I started following the armour synthesis questline and I am currently on step 5 / 9. I returned to the Tower to buy the additional bounties from the gunsmith. While buying more additional bounties, glimmer was being subtracted but no additional bounties were added to my quests tab. Additional details: - I am currently holding 20 quests and 33 bounties, so 53 out of the 63 total cap. - Only 4 additional bounties where provided, regardless of trying to buy more multiple times. - I currently have 7 Banshee-44 bounties in my quest tab, of which 3 Daily bounties (I already completed one). - The payment sound did trigger, the sound of something arriving in the quest tab did not. - The option to buy more additional bounties is not greyed out. - So far this only seems to happen at banshee-44, not at i.e. Zavala.



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