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5/25/2021 2:53:06 PM

IV: Xi Ro the Strong

I jump to action. To Aurash, I give her a sword, requested by father I give to her when she returns. The blade glows, and If you listen, you might hear it whisper. To Sathona, I give a dagger, I found deep in the archives, so she can protect herself with a weapon she is more comfortable with. The blade watches, waiting for something to happen. For myself, I take a sword, gifted to me from a Knight. I feel its power course through me, and I turn to my sisters. "Let us go, and slay the Helium Court intruders." I say, "And kill Taox, the Betrayer" Says Aurash, "And most importantly, save the King," Sathona says. I open the door, and we race down the halls. Any member of the Helium Court is killed before they realize what is happening. We make it to the Throne, but nobody is there. A trail of green blood, trails away to the Archive. I shake the door. It's locked. I raise my sword above my head, and slam it down, breaking the door open. Inside, is the Helium Prince. He stands above our father, sword raised. Sathona runs, but he slams his sword down, straight through the Osmium King. A ghostly silence echoes across the land. I break, yelling as I slice the Prince into a million pieces.  I will avenge our king. I will kill Taox. But as I look outside, I see her ship take off, flying to a distant moon. I drop my sword in frustration. "Xi Ro! Come quick!" Aurash calls out to me. I kneel next to my father. His blood is spilling out and I know he will not live. "Aurash. The throne is yours now. Rid this land of the Helium Court. But more importantly, stop the Moon Wave, or there will be no land to return to. "Sathona. Make sure your sisters don't stray too far from their path. Only someone as wise as you can find a solution. "Xi Ro. You must fight your way to every goal. But don't forget to think about who you are fighting. "Goodbye my daughters." And the Osmium King is dead. ----------------------------------------- I wait for her to come, sitting in the far back corner to avoid their hateful gaze. After everything I've gone through, I expected a welcoming home. Instead I'm shot down like a rat who crawled up from the sewers. She told me to meet at Brask's Keep, but it's far too noisy. Caydes is making a ruckus with Shiro, and I pray she'll come soon so I can get the hell out of here. "Eris! Why are you hiding away?" "Seriously? It's loud." She grabs a seat across from me, placing a drink in front of me. "It's good for you to be in public. Makes you… more welcoming." "Silva, I don't care what they think." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah right."  "First things first. How in the name of the Traveller are you alive? I thought you were shot down by the Spider" "What can I say? I don't stay dead long." "Now down to business," she gets serious. "Did I read your message right? Xavier's seriously down in Hellmouth?" "You heard me right. Now I am never going back there again so I was wondering… could you and your brother go check on him?" She hesitates, "Alastair's pretty busy right now…." "He wouldn't even do it for his friend?" "He's changed. But I might be able to convince him. What kind of operation are we talking about?" "Just get him out of there."



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