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7/18/2021 12:56:15 AM

Constant DMing/harassment

Hi, A player has been DMing me over the Bungie app for coming up on two months now, over 50 messages, calling me a pedofile, etc. I have reported each of his offensive DMs but no action has been taken. This is in blatant violation of the Bungie ToS. I've posted about this matter before and was told that the mods have a large workload and would get to it eventually. I can definitely understand and respect that, but this has been ongoing for a long time now. I don't just want to block this guy and move on for two reasons: 1) I don't want him to be able to subject others to this sort of disgusting behaviour. 2) If I just block him and move on, all it does is send the message that he can behave this way and get away with it. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.



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