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8/11/2021 5:44:21 AM

Question About a Certain Vex Minotaur this Season (Bungie?)

Now this isn't the first time by far that a trailer has shown something that we never actually got to experience (driving up the bridge at The Dreaming City for Forsaken, multiple (3 specifically) Abyssal Champions in some caves for Shadowkeep, etc.). But I do remember in the trailer for Season of the Splicer a big Vex Minotaur that looked very similar to Atheon but made of less glass (a lot less) and a red eye. Was this Minotaur replaced with perhaps the current Vex Minotaur Override boss? Their overall designs are very different from each other. It's a bit of a mystery right now. And I bet no one else has realized this yet.



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