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8/25/2021 8:27:34 PM

Buying Gjallarhorn for a Third Time, Huh?

Let's be real here, people. That nostalgia launcher is THE main selling point of a mid-season DLC. A mid-season DLC that costs 2.5x as much as the season, itself. To all those who have bought it, you're a problem. To those who have not bought it... Or not bought it yet.. There's still hope. The reason a mid-season DLC and those who bought it without even once thinking about it are a problem is because you're just setting precedence for Bungie to hack and chop away content going forward from any expansion or season then sell it at a massive markup later down the line. If you let that Anniversary Pack actually sell well then you're just telling Bungie that it's perfectly fine to do that. Nobody will ever get a full expansion or season ever again. They'll take-out whatever they want and sell it at more than twice the price later. And if you don't buy it? Well, you shoulda been there, right? Shoulda bought it when you could. Now you're left behind. FOMO. On top of that, let's be real. This THIRD paid Gjallarhorn will be one of two things and you KNOW it. One, it'll be a basic rocket launcher that nobody will use. Two, it will be very powerful when it first drops but will get nerfed into pointlessness down the line. That's it. That's all anything ever has been in this game.



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