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8/28/2021 6:52:40 PM

Outbreak Perfected catalyst non-existent

I'm happy to see other weapons getting catalyst's added to them like Traveler's Chosen, etc. Over the time since I've been playing D2. I started playing years ago during The Forsaken and came back at the beginning of Season of the Chosen. During that time I've been adding to my exotic collection from the Monument of Light kiosk. I purchased the Outbreak Perfected around early April 2021. Just curious if the catalyst will be available at some point, or if there could at least by a notice of some kind before someone purchases a weapon like this or Whisper of the Worm from the kiosk. Since the methods for acquiring their respective catalysts are unobtainable at this point. Granted, it's on me to have researched first so I will admit that's on me. It's a great gun and I enjoy it immensely I just wish I could orb gen with it. Is there any idea of when it will be available in some fashion? With the addition of Traveler's Chosen catalyst this week, it made me want to look this up again but sadly it's still not available. Thanks for any reply or info you can provide on this.



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