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9/3/2021 6:22:48 AM

Framerate Issues after New Season.

The week before the update I wasn't having any issues. Since Season of the Lost release, my frame rate has been unstable. My frames drop to 15/20 when they normally should be about 60 fps. I made a hardware change (adding two hard drives) but issues were happening pre/post hardware change. Other than that no other changes to my knowledge. Checking my device manager, my CPU stays under 40% and Ram is around 80% (while streaming video on same system). Let me know what else I can provide to help.



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  • 由Freystein编辑: 9/4/2021 5:12:18 PM
    Weird. I have a 5700 XT, R5 3600, 16 GB Ram with a SSD and it runs pretty much flawless with locked 80 fps (even on troubling areas like Tangle Shore) in 1440p Most importantly is, that you should post your Rig and on which Settings/resolution you play. Also, are you have the most current Drivers installed?



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