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由SimplySnide编辑: 9/17/2021 2:48:15 PM

Macros and Solo Matchmaking.

A few questions about the new Code of Conduct policies that have recently been added with the release of BattleEye anti-cheat, with regards to Macros and Solo Matchmaking. [b][u]Macros[/u][/b] In this article, , potential comments have been made for macros, including, autofire and "Using an external program or device to automate gameplay or circumvent idle detection.". Where it states "automate gameplay" does this include purchasing items from vendor, for example using a macro as an auto-click to constantly purchase materials from a vendor which from my knowledge has no malicious intentions that may harm the game and should only help the users experience. [b][u]Solo Matchmaking[/u][/b] Now this could come under the behaviours "Modification or interruption of Destiny network traffic with intent to disrupt the experience of other players or to gain an advantage in the game.". In this statment from , it points out "with intent to disrupt the experience of other players or to gain an advantage in the game". If you were to find a way to stop matchmaking in an area that by default has matchmaking, but was not for malicious intent or was not to gain an advantage, an example of this could be, trying to complete a playlist strike in as quick of a time as possible, would this be a reason to ban an individual?. There is also a way to essential do this using game mechanics only, this is by putting your light level below the reccomended power, which works in strike. This does allow for matchmaking but only when others are close to your light level.



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