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9/28/2021 5:46:15 PM

Cannot acquire Splicer Gauntlet in Season of the Lost/Season 15?

I cannot acquire the Splicer Gauntlet to play anything from Season of the Splicer. When I go to the House Servitor, it is not available -- it says the vendor doesn't have anything available. It's not anywhere in the Quest Archive either. I'm still able to use the Cryptolyth Lure from Season of the Hunt and the Hammer of Proving from Season of the Chosen, [i]and[/i] play any remaining story quests that I had on those seasons. [b]How do I acquire the Splicer Gauntlet/Splicer questline in Season 15?[/b] The only thing I can think of is that I didn't log into the game during Splicer at all due to an injury, so maybe I didn't acquire the quest? I had played a bit in both Hunt and Chosen so I'm assuming it's because I still had them in my quest inventory. The servitor is flashing like it has something (a vendor reward I can't acquire), I'm still progressing triumphs and Splicer seasonal challenges, and I still get the seasonal currency. I have the Deluxe Beyond Light expansion and the Season Pass for Year 4, so it shouldn't be that. Anyone have any leads?



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  • 由Guardian0888编辑: 9/29/2021 5:22:42 AM
    Hey there. I had this same problem for a similar reason, funny enough. None of the info I found online helped, but I finally solved it for my game. (And hopefully this will work for you.) Like you, I hadn't logged in at all, the Servitor had nothing for me. Go into your Destinations, and then go to Europa. Look near the very top of the map for a quest icon. I believe it was greenish or maybe teal. In any event, the quest has the word "Splicer" in the title. Click on that, and you should be good to go. That started the whole thing off for me from the very beginning; I didn't even have the splicer gauntlet yet. I earned it in that quest.



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