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9/30/2021 6:19:58 PM

Patrol zones need a 2.0 rework

This has been a problem that has been apparent for a while. Currently existing patrol zones have no reason to play since public events are VERY unrewarding while there is no unique loot. Any location past the moon may have loot for the location but the activities still feel lacklustre or not worth the time. Here are some ideas and concepts to add which may give players a reason to actually play patrols: - world difficulty for extra loot, ie: legend, master, gm - add new loot to old locations - introduce world bosses that have high health pool and mechanics that would require multiple people to fight - add patrol matchmaking or lfg - give adept patrol gear for GM patrol boss takedowns - revamp rewards for public events and patrols - make patrol missions more rewarding and engaging - secrets and hidden bosses in out of sight areas in patrol would make the locations feel more lived in and increase variety. Just some ideas because I definitely think patrols need to be changed because I’m tired of the same content loops. We need something new.



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  • I like this idea. I remember getting my teeth kicked in during Wrath of the Machine on patrols and it was great. Patrols could use a revamp and harder difficulties. Optional matchmaking or lfg though. Sometimes I may not want randoms to play with.



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