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由John Titor编辑: 10/1/2021 1:08:25 PM

Clan Migration

I created a clan with a group of friends when Destiny 2 was first released. I stopped playing after awhile, but recently got back into it with a friend I originally played with. He migrated his data, but I never realized I had to. I have accepted that my character and progress are gone and made a new character. My friend noticed that he is still in the old clan, and it still lists me as the founder, but I have no access to it. Since it's private, it asks to me to send an invite request, but that goes to the founder, which is actually me. I would really like to regain access to my clan and I have sufficient proof that I am the founder. I'm linking screenshots of what my friend sees, and what I see. At the very least give founder to the most recently active member. Ideally I'd like to call or email about this, but it seems that's actually impossible from what I've found.



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