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由rainfield编辑: 10/2/2021 7:23:22 PM

Quality of Llife Melee animations

Yes, this sounds cool.


No, id rather have the single animation.


Hello Guardians and possibly devs. Im here to suggest something that could possibly improve the gaming experience without introducing imbalance or anything of the sort. So my suggestion is simply to add some neat new animations for melee when empowered melee is on cooldown. So instead of having the titan just doing the same fist over and over again, why not have 3 different animations randomly picked. One is a quick uppercut, one is the classic straight punch, and the third could be a fast elbow. They should all have the same frame data and lunge distance naturally and do the same damage, its just to add some extra flavour to the players melee experience. So hunters might have the classic stab, and then two slices for instance. Warlocks could have the classic push, but perhaps also a slice with energy like holding their hands like a blade. *Edit* Since it might've been missunderstood, all the animations should have the same hitbox and same framedata so it doesnt make one animation stronger than another. And doing the randomize animation after melee attack input rather than before, this hopefully wont affect performance. I dunno, please say what you guys think. And maybe get some attention from a community mod or represantative. Maybe....JUUUUUST maybe, Bungie will introduce this is 10 months xD. Best regards



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