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由Skullstachio编辑: 10/9/2021 10:40:01 AM

Exotic Armor Concept: Technocyte Arnaments (SIVA Themed.)

This is a Concept for Three Exotic Chest pieces, Intertwined with each other like the Aeon Safe/Swift/Soul Exotic arms, but here, I added a twist. The Twist being: * They are Chest Pieces. * They have Special Mods which work together with other mods. * Each Piece has a unique perk exclusive to that respective Character (I.e. one for a Titan, another for a Hunter, etc.) * All pieces share a pool of Protocol Mods (similar to the Aeon Cult mod concept.) * They are 100% SIVA Themed. Fair note, it took me quite a long time to think of this (bout a few months.) Without further adieu, feast your eyes below. [b]Technocyte’s Bulwark[/b] Titan Chest. [spoiler][u]Innate Perk exclusive to the Technocyte’s Bulwark:[/u] Using your rallying barricade creates a constant SIVA Nanite swarm at the barriers location, these nanites seek out Technocyte allies in close range and currently affected by the Rally Barricade buff and attach themselves to them for a short duration, granting damage reduction based on the number of allied nanites attached and can be refreshed while remaining close to the casters rallying barricade. * Note: up to 50% damage reduction can be achieved in PvE while PvP is capped at between 15 - 20%. Technocyte Mod: Protocol/F.O.R.T (Titan) Abbreviation: [i]Fabricated Objectively Relativismic Technician.[/i] * Rapid hits and precision kills from auto rifles, submachine guns, pulse rifles, Sidearms and heavy machine guns with 400 RPM or greater penetrate barrier champion shields and have a chance to create SIVA Nanite swarms capable of Shredding Through the Shields of Barrier Champions. * [i]Barrier Champion Shields take damage each time a SIVA Nanite attempts to attach itself to the Barrier Champion, bouncing off the shield and dealing little damage to the shields at the same time.[/i] * [b]Auxiliary Fortification:[/b] hold to Consume a Grenade Charge, creating a SIVA Nanite Turret that aids you in battle, it fires slow moving Homing SIVA projectiles which damage targets and make them more vulnerable to Kinetic Damage based on the number of SIVA Nanites attached to them. Other Technocyte Allies Deal slightly even more Kinetic Damage to targets affect by SIVA Nanites.[/spoiler] [b]Technocyte’s Bandolier[/b] Hunter Chest. [spoiler][u]Innate Perk exclusive to the Technocyte’s Bandolier:[/u] Using Marksman’s Dodge leaves a Proximity SIVA Nanite trap that triggers upon detecting enemy contacts in short range, releasing a SIVA Nanite Swarm. You and Technocyte Allies in your fireteam are granted true sight against enemies Attached with SIVA Nanites, seeing enemies even through walls from 20 meters. * Note: the range is increased by 2 meters for every SIVA Nanite Attached to the target and caps at 100 meters. [i](50 meter cap if attached to enemy Guardians.)[/i] Technocyte Mod: Protocol/S.P.E.E.D (Hunter) Abbreviation: Serendipitous Precision Eagle Eyed Deathtrap. * Every 3 Precision hits from Sniper rifles, Scout Rifles, Linear Fusion rifles, Bows and Hand Cannons* Load a persistent SIVA Encased Shell into the weapon, Causing every precision hit to produce a single SIVA nanite relevant to the number of SIVA Encased Shells Loaded, The effect is lost when Switching weapons and the number of Encased SIVA shells is capped at 4. Reaching 4 SIVA Encased shells also Overloads them, causing Nanites produced by them to stun Overload Champions. * [i](*in the case of Crimson, it will spawn Nanites once per burst and gain stacks of SIVA encased shells once every second when landing at least one precision hit in the entire burst.)[/i] * [i]As for thorn, Nanites only spawn on direct hit and not by the dot whether it was powered by soul devourer or not.[/i] * [b]Meticulous Stabilizer:[/b] Hold to Consume a Melee Charge, Mitigating all Flinch from incoming fire and Eliminating Recoil for a Short Duration or Until your Next Shot is Fired, Firing a shot Consumes the Meticulous Stabilizer. landing a Precision Hit with any weapon or hitting an Elemental Shield during this time Creates 10 fast moving SIVA Nanites to attach to the damaged target plus another 2 SIVA Nanites for each Technocyte Ally in your Fireteam.[/spoiler] Technocyte’s Raiment Warlock Chest. [spoiler][u]Innate Perk exclusive to the Technocyte’s Raiment:[/u] Casting Empowering Rift creates a radial SIVA Nanite cloud around it, Creating Empowering SIVA Nanites every second that actively seek out nearby combatants, Killing enemies Attached with empowering SIVA Nanites will grant super energy and grant a short period of bonus weapon damage to nearby Allies, Technocyte allies gain slightly more super energy and have a longer lasting weapon damage bonus. Technocyte Mod: Protocol/C.U.R.E (warlock) Abbreviation: Cerebral Ultrasonic Radiolarian Electrometallurgy. * Hitting a target multiple times in a single shot with Fusion Rifles and Shotguns or Hitting multiple targets with Swords, Rocket Launchers, Normal and Power Grenade Launchers Loads a Single Volatile SIVA Canister into your next Shot, Causing your Next Instance of Weapon Damage to an enemy to Create a SIVA Nanite Swarm at the point of the Projectiles point of Impact and Staggering Unstoppable Champion. * Note: The effect is lost when switching weapons and is capped at 1 Canister since it creates a SIVA Nanite swarm equivalent to the number of nanites produced from a precision kill made by Outbreak Perfected. * Superficated Replication: Hold Super Input to Inhibit Super Regeneration*, This can be repeated to Disable Super Inhibition at any time but incurs a 10 second cooldown between activations. while Active, your super cannot be used while also consistently spawning SIVA Nanites from yourself that actively Seek out Allies, attaching themselves to them and providing them with Persistently Amplified primary and energy Weapon damage that increases based on the amount of super energy the ally has, Up to a maximum of 50% bonus weapon damage. (20% in PvP.), this bonus falls off over a short duration (5 seconds.) when disabling super inhibition. * *Super energy from orbs of power can still charge super energy, even more so based on your Intelligence stat. * *Weapon Damage bonuses take longer to fall off for Technocyte Allies, falling off over 10 seconds.[/spoiler] General Technocyte Mod: Protocol/S.W.A.R.M [spoiler]Abbreviation: Semiconducted Wavelengthly Amplificatory Replicative Modifier. * Dealing damage to enemies with your weapons and Abilities have a small Cumulative Chance to spawn SIVA Nanites, the chance to spawn SIVA Nanites is greater on enemies already affected by SIVA Nanites. * Technocyte Warmind: Disables your Super ability. constantly Spawns destructible SIVA Nanites which follow the wearer, enhancing radar and independently locating enemies affected by SIVA Nanites with laser sight Accuracy, exposing weak points and enabling precision damage at those points of Nanite attachment, each enemy in range spotted by your SIVA Nanites slightly increases your Ability regeneration and Effectiveness* with Primary and Energy weapons, Champions or Bosses Spotted by your SIVA Nanites amplify and double Protocol effectiveness of other Technocyte allies in the fireteam against those enemies. * (*effectiveness denotes range, stability, handling and reload speed.) * This protocol does not stack with itself even with other S.W.A.R.M users. * Each destructible SIVA Nanite will prioritise targets unaffected by other SIVA Nanite targeting.[/spoiler] Let me know of your thoughts on this. Feedback would be appreciated at your own pace.



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