Subject says it. Can't vault prisms, can't reset rank if inventory is full of prisms, have nothing to spend prisms on if inventory is also full of golfballs, and can't vault golfballs. Don't have anything worth masterworking that isn't already. Add to that the stupidly low storage limits on these things and it's another example of Bungo treating player QOL like crap.
And add to that the inability to dismantle a brick at a time of Mod Components, which can be vaulted but are pretty much worthless in large amounts. Malice or stupidity? Your call...
After farming for palindrome all week thing issue has hit a breaking point. I have resorted to master working random exotics just to store materials for later. For resetting you can just use the materials and don’t touch the ones at your mail until you have reset. However the fact that this is even the case is another glaring piece of evidence that 4 ex Bethesda employees now develop the game.
[quote]Subject says it. Can't vault prisms, can't reset rank if inventory is full of prisms, have nothing to spend prisms on if inventory is also full of golfballs, and can't vault golfballs. Don't have anything worth masterworking that isn't already. Add to that the stupidly low storage limits on these things and it's another example of Bungo treating player QOL like crap. And add to that the inability to dismantle a brick at a time of Mod Components, which can be vaulted but are pretty much worthless in large amounts. Malice or stupidity? Your call...[/quote] Just delete some shards.. doesnt seem that complicated
USE THEM. Bungie has done this so that you can't stock pile these end-game currencies, and thus destroy the incentilve to play Nightfalls and Trials from season to season. Masterwork gear....and if its something you dont' want, you'll get PART of the resources back when you dismantle them. But Bungie isn't going to let you amass huge stores of them....and its better than either being stymied or losing them because you've left them sitting unused in your Postmaster,
Prisms can be dismantled one at a time. For the time being, that's the only workaround.
They should be able to go to your postmaster if there is room and if no room allow you to reset and forfeit the prisms. Forcing you to spend materials on gear you don't care about just to reset your rank is lame. I have not tried dismantling prisms. Does anyone know if you dismantle them 1 at a time or the entire stack?
There’s literally no point hoarding those materials. Use them or delete them. They aren’t going away and are easy to earn. If you have so many you can’t even store them anymore than clearly you don’t need that many. So what’s the big deal about getting rid of some?
I would of thought you guys might of figured this out by now. Masterwork gear to store materials. Complain all you want, sure maybe they will listen, but being stubborn and losing out in the meantime is what is really asinine. It’s like slapping yourself thinking it’ll gain attention. It won’t. Not storing materials via MW isn’t going to fix the problem, now is it? They don’t care unless we cause a ruckus. Oh I know, I’m going to hear ya whine about wasting materials since it’s not a full return on dismantle. So? You’re stuck at a cap limit where you can’t even [i]hold[/i] the excess. So you aren’t wasting anything, you’ll lose those mats if you don’t make room and claim them. Right? Good. Now, stop being silly. MW some gear, claim your mats and reset your tank. Then complain about it. You’re welcome.
I use upgrade modules more than I do prisms. I wish I could buy upgrade modules with prisms. Like 1 prism could get me 3-5 upgrade modules.
All we really need is the ability to ‘break down’ Asendant Shards into Prisms and prisms into Cores. Then space could be freed up as needed to allow for collection of items and reset rank.
Agree! We need the ability to currency exchange up and down the chain. If you are maxed out on Golfballs, you should have a means to convert them to something else. I currently have over 4,000 mods components and nothing to spend it on. And I refuse to throw it away. I should be able to convert this to legendary shards, glimmer, planetary material, etc. Give Ikora this task!
Truth is you're not going to get any sympathy from these guys as the majority of people don't have this issue. It is bullshit though, I just ran into this last night for the first time and was like "ok, now what..." lol
It won't be an issue for me since I am nowhere near the limit, but I really understand why that is so frustrating. It's such a Destiny 2 moment, too. Like, "What's that? Capped on mats? Too bad, no reset for you, we didn't think players would get this far." Bungie moment.
I get it is strange to have to delete something that you "earned" just to be able to reset but it sounds like you have way too many things you don't have any use for. Would it hurt you to delete a few to be able to do something you are interested in? Or maybe we could convince to Bungie to make it cost prisms or golf balls to reset rank? That would also solve your problem but it would affect everyone so that might not be so nice. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Bungie decided to follow that suggestion.