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由PhantomSoldier编辑: 1/4/2022 1:28:49 PM

D2 should never have gone F2P.

For whatever reason, D2 has gotten worse and worse since F2P. Eververse = Fortnite item shop, transmog cash grab, CONTENT VAULTING, SUNSETTING, HALF YEAR-LONG SEASONS, [b]UNBALANCED PVP[/b] The only reason people still play this game is Deep Stone Lullaby.



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  • I love when folks blame it on Bungie splitting from Activision. The issue started when Activision took the original Destiny idea, concept , etc etc an made Bungie's original team add in PvP when the original idea was PvE ONLY but to seal the deal for Activision they were forced to add PvP so they could *KiLL HaLO* if you haven't ever see the fate of *hAlO KiLLeRs* just go back to the 2000s era an see how they ALL failed. Bungie said it themselves, they bottled lightening with Halo an tried to do it again with Destiny. Watch the ViDocs look at the PvP Dev basically shyt himself at killing Halo. It's like a bad myth , killing your first child so the second may live a better life. That doesn't work , ever. Halo Infinite is free, sure it's got cosmetic ONLY shop , they need to make money. Eververse, Was supposed to be a stop gap measure to help finance DLC. Now? It's a loan source of money due to Bungie being a *solo* dev. Let's not even get into the issue of the other games being made by Bungie rn. Wanna see how bad The OG from Bungie is doing ? Look at all the failed splinter groups an games that tried to capture the lightening again . ProbablyMonsters Inc, Midwinter Entertainment, Firewalk Studios, That's No Moon. These studios will NEVER EVER make a *HaLo kiLLER* /RantEnd/



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