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12/25/2021 10:24:38 PM

Destiny 2 Crashing everytime I try to open it.

Hello, I've made this post today because I've been having a problem with Destiny 2 for months now. It's been crashing upon pressing the "Press enter to play" button. I've looked at many videos and tried many solutions. All ending in failure. I haven't seen anyone else with this situation yet so if you or someone you know has had it please tell me their solution or try to give me solutions you think might work. I've attached a video to this forum showing how the crash happens. Please review it, thank you.



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  • [quote]Hello, I've made this post today because I've been having a problem with Destiny 2 for months now. It's been crashing upon pressing the "Press enter to play" button. I've looked at many videos and tried many solutions. All ending in failure. I haven't seen anyone else with this situation yet so if you or someone you know has had it please tell me their solution or try to give me solutions you think might work. I've attached a video to this forum showing how the crash happens. Please review it, thank you.[/quote] Erase then re install. Also you may have to rebuild database on your system by holding in the power button till it beeps 2 times to get that screen to come up next time you turn it on.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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