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由BlackJack编辑: 2/17/2022 5:45:25 PM

I did whole VoG catalyst run (so till last oracle plate) and didnt get vex catalyst

Hello, I did all the oralce plate challenges to get vex mythoclast. After i finished the last 1, you have to step trough a portal to actually get the vex mythoclast catalyst. All my fireteam members got the vex mythoclast catalyst. I did not. :( wasted 3 hours on the raid to get the catalyst. I know i have to do it within 5 minutes, and i did that, but during that moment, my game crashed. So I did not get the catalyst. Help me please bungie



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  • [quote]I know i have to do it within 5 minutes, and i did that, but during that moment, my game crashed. So I did not get the catalyst.[/quote] Sounds like you didn't reach the portal in time or didn't get credit for doing so because of the crash and you'll have to try again.



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