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2/21/2022 11:18:49 PM

The Witch Queen DLC. Need a group. Join us. We got carriers.

The OGzSquad (OG) is a Global Gaming Community; not just a clan. We teach Raids, Dungeons, and Grandmaster Strats. We also run Trials, Iron Banner and other pinnacle activities. Our squad will welcome all highly active guardians and Destiny 1 and 2 Veterans. If you enjoy gaming hard, grinding hard, and sweating hard in a competitive pvp game, then this is the group for you. What we bring to the table. * Raid Clears * Help with pinnacle grinds * Dungeon Clears * Exotic Quest Completions * Grandmaster Clears * Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, Trials, and Iron Banner What we want from you. * 18+ (Sorry, Little Light) * Join our discord. Our clan uses discord to setup teams, share builds, and general chat between friends. * Be friendly. Any rude comments will not be tolerated. * Have optimistic attitude with other guardians. * 1 month of inactivity from the discord and in Destiny 2 will be an automatic dismissal from our clan roster. Discord Server:



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