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5/24/2022 10:37:04 PM

PS5 HDR still not working

Hello! I've commented on this last season, but since Witch Queen the in game HDR (PS5, LG OLED CX) hasn't been working properly. Menus have it flicker on properly with deep and rich colours, but as soon as you are in game, everything has a washed out look to it. It was definitely not like that before Witch Queen. After this big update I was hoping for a fix, but alas, it is still washed out. Just wondering if this is just a me problem, or if there is someone working on a fix. If other users could bump this post up if you have the same issue maybe we can get a little visibility before Telesto ruins the game again and hogs all the attention. : )



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  • Good afternoon, yes indeed, hdr still doesn't work on oled panels, and it's just terribly annoying. It does not fit into my head why they do not pay attention to this for such a long time. At a minimum, this prevents you from playing and enjoying technology. I see a lot of people who complain about this problem. The screen is constantly flickering when opening the map at the destination, this is from the most obvious..... looks terrible... lg bx oled TV



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