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由LoneAssassin54编辑: 5/30/2022 4:32:33 PM

20 Dollars for a Dungeon?

Seems I’m the only one who finds this absolutely ridiculous. We spend $40 on Witch Queen and $20 on it’s first two seasons and now we’re supposed to throw down another $20 but for just two activities?



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  • This is why you buy the deluxe edition. Because it has every season and dungeon included.



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  • [quote]Seems I’m the only one who finds this absolutely ridiculous. We spend $40 on Witch Queen and $20 on it’s first two seasons and now we’re supposed to throw down another $20 but for just two activities?[/quote] If it was just$10 Every season and dungeons went sperated is be ok with that, but i wouldn't have even paid for witch queen seperate if i realized n but they keep it so secretive up till release



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  • I think it’s $20 for both dungeons.



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    • [quote]Seems I’m the only one who finds this absolutely ridiculous. We spend $40 on Witch Queen and $20 on it’s first two seasons and now we’re supposed to throw down another $20 but for just two activities?[/quote] It's total pocket -blam!-, they put all the goods in the dungeon too so that what we bought was useless. I ain't doing it, i knew they were gonna pull some stunt like figuring a way to make us spend more than a while game costs again while taking away everything we already paid for. I bought Elden ring which has been great but i let my ps plus run out because the games area85% useless trash, now i can't even play online with when ring which is already a challenge to get to work online anyways. But Fortnite remains free. As long as they don't -blam!- block themselves out of micro transactions they won't let you play online free, but with the 9yr old army is free because they want to get them parents money any way they can, but won't let us adults have a single game online free play. It pisses me off that I'm supposed to keep forking out, $40+$50 bucks bi yearly to keep playing destiny, the most laborous game ever. I didn't even have enough fun with witch queen to ever do the raid or level all the way . Not paying. I quit



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    • So you think that lying is going to give credit for your little tantrum? You did not buy WQ and its 4 seasons for $60🤦



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