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6/10/2022 4:02:19 AM

Changes to Hunter Solar 3.0

I’m quite positive bungie doesn’t read the forums, but in case they do- Someone needs to do something about the way 3.0 is being handled. Void was fine, it was a good starting point. But 3.0 is worse in many ways. The most noticeable thing to me, especially with hunter, is that you put everything into the concept of a cowboy and completely ruined the identity of gunslinger. Gunslinger is about the marksmans who value the perfect shot. Not dynamite throwing hicks. Instead of taking everything from cowboy gunslinger and removing everything to do with a marksman, you should have played into both. I, as well as many other people, do not want to be a cowboy. Another big issue with hunter is that you chose blade barrage to be the damage super over golden gun when golden gun is literally about precision and has an exotic designed for one high powered shot. Blade barrage was always designed for clearing rooms, as evidence by the fact that it’s a large area of effect attack vs the single target damage of Goldie. For real, make golden gun (with nighthawk) the longest charging super, 10-12 minutes. Crazy high damage, at least in the top 3 or 4 damaging super builds. No damage reduction. Bring back Achlyophage Symbiote for a fourth critical shot for more orb generation and more damage, another route for higher damage without the single shot. Top 6 or 7 at least with Achlyophage. Nerf blade barrage to create more orbs based on enemies killed, do more damage to weaker enemies and allow it to spread itself out and accurately track many pve enemies at a time. This with shards of galanor would be incredible for raids. A good ad clear super every 3 or 4 minutes would be insanely useful. Hell, make it ignite defeated enemies by default for even more ad clear. All supers need to have a role, be it pvp, ad clear, single target damage, support, etc. Right now golden gun has no role. It’s worse than BB for ad clear, single target damage, and pvp and it makes no sense. The worst part is that golden gun was the most iconic super in the game when Destiny first came around. Golden gun was what defined hunters. Now it literally has no purpose. And it could be fixed so easily, but I worry you don’t have any interest in doing so.



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