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5/28/2022 6:09:30 PM

Are crafted Opulent weapon's Masterwork borders bugged?

I've heard from a past TWAB that Masterwork borders were finally being added for crafted weapons. I made this Calus Mini Tool last night and followed every step to obtain a masterwork border. Those steps being to shape it with an enhanced intrinsic trait and two enhanced perks. I've tried reshaping it a few more times and it still has no border. Has anyone else had this issue? I haven't heard anything on it yet. Thanks!



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  • I had the same issue with my drink. Just hit level 16, then added the enhanced intrinsic perk, followed by two enhance traits, all at the same time, which is apparently creating the bug in the algorithm. The ones that are getting the gold bar around their opulent weapons, are adding two enhance traits, then completing the craft, then going back into the crafting section, then adding the enhanced intrinsic trait, then the goal bar appears. So, basically… If you do all of it at once, you are screwed, because it will not allow you to remove the enhanced intrinsic trait, then add it back, to fix the bug. We will be waiting on Bungie to fix this, then the gold bar should automatically be added, if you have all of the traits added to the weapon properly.



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