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7/17/2022 5:31:31 AM

competitive players ruining the game

you can argue competitive is the reason why bungie is still standing but when it comes to it there's no e sport tournament there's no massive community like halo or smash bros melee if anything these are the same sweats who fanboy over the game just like the toxic community's are i agree with dark side royalty as its been proven again and again again from time to time again these supposed pro players or what i call cop and seethe needs to be taught a lesson that has been coming for years and years its time to do what we did in halo 3 we need the ban hammer again specifically when fanboys become unhinged inhuman monsters literally we have seen when they told a dev to a certain something im not going to say it but royalty has so if you honestly want a dead game you are literally heading in that direction we the casual community give bungie our money but so much of us has been fed up with certain decisions and certain individuals i could tell you of the lag switch back in trials not this perfection paywalls that these fanboys have been posting in chats and even kd lovers blocking the community and yes i am gatekeeping these individuals due to them making the game even worse than already is and I'm telling individuals to not play the game and Ive even been told not to play the game due to a reputation we've built up were no better than league of legends what are we a mobile game we are better than this. if you agree then agree have the humanity left in you to be respectfull instead of being a monster towards people i mean we need more people with neutral ground and hey i got something for you pvp lovers its called server vs server or wvw look it up.



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