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8/1/2022 3:54:34 PM

I'm begging you Bungie, remove Ps plus from online

Bungie, please remove Ps plus from online features in Destiny. Players without ps plus can't play crucible, vanguard, gambit, raids.... In other words, you're practically gonna stay a New Light player for at least a couple seasons or smt. I know Sony is the one in charge of Ps plus and subscriptions, and that Sony now owns Bungie, but Bungie can still make a statement to Sony and strike a deal. Plus, Microsoft Xbox removed their xbox gold live subscription from every F2P games, including Destiny. Why would Sony Playstation keep it??? I feel like I'm being extremely scammed for getting a F2P game. (I'm using stadia for multiplayer games since it doesn't require multiplayer subscription but transactions of expansions don't transfer from platform to platform - So if I get witch queen on my Playstation, I need to buy it again just to play it on Stadia.)



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